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Showing posts with the label network marketing

Network Marketing - Here Is A Short Story About Network Marketing

Network marketing happens to be a phenomenon that is growing fast. Anyone from any location is qualified to become a distributor and build wealth. In addition, most distributors say that the reason why this particular industry is growing is that there is no major sacrifice needed. They believe that you can still be a successful distributor while keeping your current occupation . According to the business magazine, it was found that 70 percent of the revenue generated from direct selling comes from network marketing. To my knowledge, there is no documented history of the beginnings of this industry. Today, I will share with you some information, according to Forbes magazine, to help educate you on the history of network marketing. Generally, it is believed that network marketing or direct selling started in the early 1940s by a company that sold food supplements. Network marketing emerged accidentally when distributors found that they could sell more product...